Already-Defined Playbook for a Standard Form

Step 1: Collect Data

  • Gather the following recommended data and files:
  • Copy of the Standard Form; and,
  • Contract type and description;
  • Contract playbook, policies, and guidelines relevant to a Standard Form.
  • 5-10 final executed copies (i.e., signed) on the Standard Form
  • If possible, collect markups comparing the final execution copy to the original form in Word.
  • It is helpful to run a comparison against the standard form to reveal the negotiated positions that ultimately deviated from the standard form. Alternatively, "second pass" markups responding to a counterparty's "first pass" markup might be advantageous as an indication for fallbacks and other constructive language for historical purposes.
  • If you need assistance, here is a helpful link on how to submit information to an onboarding specialist at DocJuris.

Step 2: Configure a Playbook in DocJuris Per Existing Rules and Guidelines

  • Information in an existing playbook in Word, Excel, PDF, etc. can be used as a key reference to copy and paste provisions and notes into the DocJuris Playbook Editor.
  • As you go through the guidance below, note that negotiations on Standard Forms are easier to tag because the location of the sections in a Standard Form are known. Further, you are typically analyzing Incoming Redlines from a counterparty. Unlike third party paper, incoming changes are easier to flag and analyze against.
  • Creating playbooks and setting up rules:
  • Here are several helpful links on creating playbooks that can be found on the DocJuris Help Center. We highly recommend learning (a) the general playbook model and (b) searching tagging.
  • Managing Details of Playbooks section
  • Guide on Creating and Editing Playbooks, generally
  • Leveraging DocJuris' powerful search logic (i.e., Search Tags)
  • Using past redlines to create playbooks in DocJuris.
  • If necessary, get a head start on a playbook skeleton with an Excel import:In some cases, the following DocJuris' playbook template in Excel (.xlsm) can be utilized to import a simple playbook. (Attached below)
  • There are a few, key limitations to consider:Excel import files must be processed through DocJuris' support desk via
  • The Excel file is macro-enabled — this enables the addition of multiple provisions for each preferred position.
  • However, Excel import files only support one level of Counterparty Position — additional positions must be added in the DocJuris playbook app.
  • Excel import files do not have keyword search capabilities — search tags must be added in the DocJuris playbook app.

Step 3: Load Previous Redlines for Reference and Clean Up Topic Associations

  • DocJuris allows users to upload Past Redlines in Word that were done outside of DocJuris and catalog them for reference in future negotiations (click "Analyze a Contract" to see this option).



  •  Reference the “Uploading Past Redlines” guide.
  • However, it's important to clean up (i.e., pre-process) these prior Word docs before loading them into DocJuris.
  • Foremost, confirm that the Word document containing redlines represents a company's redlines/edits or is some representation of a negotiated position that would be helpful to demonstrate for future reference.
  • Accept “format” changes and any large deletions in Word that are not relevant to the playbook.
  • Accepting formatting or other trivial changes in Word before uploading the past redlines allows DocJuris to focus/train the system on what is truly relevant. If a document contains several dozen/hundreds of "track changes", DocJuris will attempt to tag every paragraph — try to avoid this.
  • Upload each document to DocJuris using the “Past Redline” checkbox in the “Analyze a Contract” window (note: Past redlines are associated to contract type).
  • Clean up Topic Associations
  • Go through the uploaded document in DocJuris and clean up topic associations. These associations catalog the past redlines into different topics.
  • Here is a helpful link explaining how to apply associations to paragraphs that are being edited in DocJuris for future reference.
  • Finally, after Analyzing a Contract in DocJuris, use the Browse tab to view and test these Past Redlines. Viewing these Past Redlines in a tab while reviewing the playbook is often beneficial to supplement a playbook and identify trends. They're also useful to users as they markup contracts.

Step 4: Test Playbook

  • Load sample agreements under the "Analyze a Contract" button and test the playbook's analysis capabilities.
  • Note, Screening Reports that can be generated by DocJuris, which utilize the playbook. These should be tested for accuracy as well.
  • Most clients find that testing at least five documents before a soft launch is beneficial to catching and improving aspects of the playbook that need refinement. Look for:
  • Paragraphs that were generally not searched correctly using DocJuris' search logic
  • False positives in the screening report due to over broad search terms in the playbook search tags

Step 5: Share Playbook with Stakeholders

  • Review the Preferred Positions, Counterparty Positions, and Tags with all stakeholders and obtain feedback.
  • Helpful tip: playbooks in DocJuris can be exported to Word from the Playbook Editor.


  • A DocJuris onboarding specialist can help troubleshoot any issues your users may be experiencing. If you have any questions about your contact at DocJuris, please reach out to