Navigating the Analyzer


The DocJuris Analyzer is the heart of DocJuris' functionality. Here is the center workspace where Users can mark up Contracts, review Comparisons, export Screening Reports, and generate docx Markups, Amendments, and Exception Tables. In this article, we'll cover the basic functionality of the Analyzer.


At a Glance

The Analyzer is a workspace with both text and data processing capabilities. The workspace is divided into 4 key areas:

  1. Sidebar
  2. Contract Editor
  3. Upload New Turn
  4. Export Contract

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The DocJuris Sidebar is a separate scrollable window that enables Users to apply Playbooks, sort through Previous Redlines, and perform other actions such as Find and Replace.

The Sidebar has several tabs that you can navigate:


Exiting Out of Screens in a Tab

When navigating a Sidebar tab, DocJuris allows a User to open and close screens within each tab. Find the gray line with an arrow pointing to the right. When this part of the pane is selected, the screen will collapse.


Collapsing to Edit in Full Screen Mode

In between the Sidebar Tab and Contract Editor is an icon to change to a full screen containing a review. The Sidebar Tab will collapse and expand the Contract Editor.



Contract Editor

The Contract Editor is where a User can apply Markups to a Contract using various features and functionality. Some of these include the capabilities of deleting a section, intentionally omitting, adding text in bold, etc.

The easiest way to conceptualize the Contract Editor is to envision it like a word processor, but much more powerful. The important difference is that although it is able to perform all of the same tasks as word processing applications, it is also analyzing specific components. The primary focus is on the characteristics of a contract as opposed to just formatting and text. Markups are described in more detail in a separate article.

Upload Turns

Within the Analyzer, a User can upload a Turn to a Contract. When uploading a Turn, the contract should be readily accessible and represent the latest version of the contract.


The Analyzer allows a User to export Markups, a Clean Copy, Amendments, and Exception Tables. Depending on your plan, DocJuris will surface various options. Details of the export window are described in more detail in a separate article.



