Compare Two Contracts From the Dashboard


In DocJuris, users can compare contract drafts when uploading a contract from the dashboard (or as a new turn). There are several unique use cases with the DocJuris comparison workflow.

Use Cases and Benefits

  1. Distinguish incoming markups vs. yours. Traditional comparison software produces a comparison result, but working on top of it can be a challenge. In DocJuris, we distinguish incoming markups in a different color, making it easier to edit on top of a comparison.
  2. Compare Word to PDF or PDF to Word. Typically, Word-to-Word comparisons are your only option. With DocJuris, you can double-check against a PDF or Word document. For example, if you received a signed copy and want to compare it against your template, you can set the contract under analysis as the execution copy (PDF) and the original as your template (Word).
  3. Capture precedent from a comparison. Save a previous markup from a comparison for future reference in the precedent clause library via the advanced option.
  4. Jump-start a review by using a past deal. If you're working on a template that was already negotiated with the counterparty, run a comparison against the previously executed draft and continue the comparison as your edits (see how to do this below).
  5. Create Exception Tables with markup conversion. Summarizing a counterparty's edits (or two drafts - e.g., v9 vs. v3) can be a challenge-filled document scroll. You can take two drafts and produce a summary of exceptions using the same continuation feature above (see how to do this below).

How to Run a Comparison (From Dashboard)

Unlike other comparison software, DocJuris does not start with the original to compare against. Instead, a user uploads the contract being analyzed first (i.e., revised). Next, you load the document to compare against (i.e., original).