Pulling a Screening Report

Screening Report Overview

In this article, we’ll discuss pulling a Screening Report in DocJuris. Also called a “Contract Status Report,” Screening Reports quickly extract key information about Contracts by comparing tagged Issues and terms with the current status of Issues outlined in a designated Playbook.

DocJuris will generate Screening Reports on your contract review based upon your current edits, the associated Playbook, and Issues. Our powerful internal algorithm will automatically pick language and clauses that outline the work done, and also what areas need to be reviewed further. The report can then act as a roadmap, or outline, of the key components of the contract based upon the Playbook and Issues. A Status is automatically generated in the Report to ensure you can focus your attention and man hours on which sections need to be explored.

Note: While a Playbook isn’t required to Analyze a Contract in the Contract Analyzer, the option to download a Screening Report will not appear in the Analyzer until a Playbook has been added.

When is a Screening Report Useful?

There are several use cases for when to pull a screening report:

  • Prior to reading the Contract as a framework for Issues.
  • A “Rush” Contract is being reviewed.
  • A Contract requires a fast turnaround.
  • Work needs to be prioritized or “triaged”.
  • To build a framework for review when a Contract is more complicated, lengthy, or complex.
  • When the review of a Contract is “Complete”, a Screening Report can act as a checklist to ensure that all Issues were addressed.

How to Generate a Screening Report

  1. Open a Contract in the Contract Analyzer within DocJuris.
  2. In the left-hand sidebar menu, click the Playbooks section.
  3. If a Playbook has not been added, click the “Add Playbook” button to add a Playbook.
  4. Click the “Screening Report” button to download the Screening Report to your computer as an Excel (.xsls) file.



Components of a Screening Report

Screening Reports will always show the same format of fields (aka “columns”). From left to right, the fields/columns will be under the headings of Issue, Status, Deviation Guidance, Drafting InstructionsInternal Commentary and Language.


Screenshot 2024-08-08 at 4.30.57 PM.png


Static Fields:

Issue, Deviation Guidance, Drafting Instructions, and Internal Commentary

These four fields/columns are static and reflect exactly what language appears in the relevant Playbook.


Dynamic Fields:

Language Field

The Language field will extract the language found in Sections of the Contract pertaining to the Issue and will highlight in BOLD the clauses, provisions, etc. that are associated. The Analyzer is essentially bringing to the reviewer’s attention language that requires review. Bolded language signals that specific language may be in conflict or in agreement with the Playbook Issue. The information highlighted in the Language field determines the information given in the Status Field.


Status Field

The Status Field within a Screening Report is generated by the expert driven AI system of the DocJuris Analyzer. As the Screening Report extracts part of the Contract for the Language Field, a Status is assigned based upon the corresponding Issue of the Playbook.


Statuses Shown in the Status Field:

The Status shown in the Status Field will evaluate whether the Language of the Issue has been found MissingMay Require Review, or Concerning (Red Flag) in the Contract, based on the Playbook:

  • Missing: The language as outlined in the Issue of the Playbook is not found by the Contract Analyzer.
  • May Require Review: The Contract Analyzer has highlighted language that is questionable.
  • Concerning (Red Flag): An Issue within the Playbook has been found OR there are “gaps” within the language as compared against the Playbook. Example of this is when a Contract contains the word “defend”, but it is not found in the same sentence as “indemnify”.


For more in-depth information on the Screening Report fields/columns and statuses, check out our article “How Does the Screening Report Work?”


Video Overview